Dear Birth Parents,

We realize that the fact that you are reading this letter means you are considering adoption. Although we have no idea what you are going through right now, we recognize that it is a difficult time for you. Our hearts go out to you and we pray for our birth parents every day, that they will have the spirit of God to give them comfort, strength, and guidance. Our hope is that you feel our love and respect as we express our thoughts in this letter.

We are very excited to adopt and know that God has guided us to this decision.  Both of us have had our own confirmation that this is how our next child will come into our family.  Our two daughters, Maya and Eden, are equally excited about the new addition that will be coming to us. They are both very loving and nurturing little girls, they were born to be big sisters. 

When we think of you, our emotions are everywhere. To think that you are going through the biggest trial of your life and we will, hopefully, be an answer to your prayers. At the same time you will be the answer to our prayers. We want so much for you to feel good about your decision and heal from the pain that you have experienced. We want you to move on with your life and pursue your life's goals, knowing that the child you brought into this world is with the family he was always meant to be in.  A family that has waited for him and prayed for him for years. He will have a family that adores him and we will give him every opportunity to succeed and reach his full potential. By knowing all of this, our hope is that you will be able to successful in your life, and that you will be able to reach your full potential.

We have a dear friend who chose adoption for her unplanned pregnancy. It was a heart wrenching decision but she knows she made the right decision for herself and her baby. She was able to go to college, get married and have more children. We also have friends who have had wonderful experiences adopting their children through LDS Family Services. We also have friends were adopted themselves. Because of their positive experiences with adoption we are excited about this path for us.

Once again we are mindful of you and the choice that you are making. Our family is so anxious to welcome the precious spirit that is meant to be in our home. We know that the Lord’s hand is involved in this process and pray that you will feel His love as you make such a big decision.

With Love & Respect,
Aric and Jessica